Google Ranking

Google SEO: Top 10 Ranking Factors in 2020

MOBO Media

If you’re a brand or company, it is certain that you would want to rank better in the search engine page results. Over the course of time, search engine algorithms have evolved. The ranking high was a cakewalk before, but it is not so anymore. Unless you prove your credibility or go according to the guidelines, you are not good enough to be there.

Of all search engines, the most frequently used is Google. Of course, this is no news however, the analytical point of view is vast and today we have narrowed it down to 10 points, which need real focus when you need to pull up your ranking.

#1. Easy access to the website

When it is the website, then let’s start with the URL. URL tells the bots what to look for and whatnot, while crawling the website. When a website is constructed, it needs to be built in a way that browsing through the pages is easy. If visitors don’t find it easy, then it will upset Google bots as well. You need to use the right website builder to put it together.

#2. Page Speed

The name says it all, if you are not fast enough, you are not good enough to stay. It is as crude as that! Be it a website or a mobile-optimised site, pages need to load fast to hold on to the visitors. This determines the bounce rate of your page. Anything between 26 to 40 per cent is impressive and beyond 70% is highly disappointing. You need to watch out.

#3. Mobile optimisation is the key!

Who uses desktop these days, for search intent? Not many, I believe. It would be quite a risk if you aren’t optimizing your website for mobile users. Google gauges the performance of the sites on how friendly they are for their mobile users. If the site isn’t mobile-optimized, then you have fair chances of being under-ranked.

#4. Relevant Content

Right content with the right SEO practices can make your business reach the deserving height. Content can be in any form- could be an article, a video or audio. However, if it is not relevant, there are chances that your website could be buried for good. This process may take time organically, but you can trust us on one thing that it will deepen the roots of your website in the digital world.

#5. Length of content matters

Quality of the content is a definite thing that Google looks forward to, but it also likes if the content has a good length. Having the content stretched unnecessarily is something that one should never do. Give detailed information, if it is the need. Researchers say that content with a good length is likely to be in a better position in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

#6. Limit Keywords

Keywords hold importance, but it doesn’t mean that you need to include a ton of them. Google has become better at understanding the content and the synonyms, which is proved by the fact that almost 35% of high-ranking domains don’t have high volume keywords.

#7. Backlinks (link building)

You need to do 3 important things in this category. One is the inbound link, which means someone includes a link of yours in their content, which gives credibility to your website, provided the backlink should be from a relevant website and not from any low-quality domain. 

The second is the outbound link. Here, you put a link to a relevant page to your piece of content. Doing this, not only establishes credibility, but also give out the right information to your visitors, and Google always appreciates this. This, however, doesn’t mean that you clutter the page with outbound links.  

Last is the internal link. This kind of linking happens between the pages of a website, which is to support one another, which is a good thing to do unless the relevance isn’t compromised.

Important note about backlinks: Quality over quantity!
Don’t just get links, make sure you get highly relevant links. One high quality, relevant link is better than fifty poor quality links.

#8. Social media

Adding social buttons to your page makes it easy for the visitor to share your page instantly. Google is an admirer of social media shares. After all that you have done to set up your website, you need to add these small social media icons that are likely to give you shares more easily, which are tracked by Google.

#9. Business information

Adding your information like name, address and phone numbers is the right thing to do for businesses meant to concentrate on specific places. Add reviews to your website, this tends to establish a connection almost immediately and the visitor can decide whether to do business with you or not.

#10. User experience (UX)

User experience depends on not one, but few attributes. First would be how easily navigatable it is. Does the content fulfil the need of the visitor? Is the website easily usable? Of course, the page speed matters a lot. Everything will fall in place and your visitors will have a good user experience, only if you do things the right way. We have covered almost all the attributes about user experience. 

These are our top 10 (and important) factors for organic ranking however it’s important to stay up to date as Google love keeping us on our toes.

We hope you have a fair knowledge about the crucial factors for the Google organic search ranking. Just a tip, set it upright for your audience and Google will reward you. We are providing the best SEO service in UK, when your business wants to improve more sale online come here we will help your business grow.

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