MOBO Media

At MOBO we go to great lengths to preserve the high regarded name of the web designer, feeling the need to reiterate the fact that web designers are the experts within their niche field. With the internet making the ability to design a lot easier than ever before it seems that everyone now thinks of themselves as a creative, an attitude that can really get designers’ gears grinding.

According to MOBO designer Kyle there are a collection of phrases that clients use on a constant basis, phrases that he believes are used to test the patience of any designer. Here are the top ten phrases he wishes to cut from clients’ vocabulary.

‘Can you jazz it up a bit?’ 

Designers are individuals that create new and innovative ideas, taking briefs and adding their own style to projects. This is why empty phrases such as ‘Jazz is up’ and ‘make it pop’ are just irrelevant.

‘I want it exactly like our competitor’s site’

Taking pride in their ability to surprise and intrigue through imagery designers can become rather disheartened when asked to replicate another designer’s work, somewhat restricting their creative flair.

‘It just does not have that wow factor’ 

Again, this is another hollow statement that really means nothing, just another way of a client having their say in something they know little about.

‘When do you think it will be finished?’

Many business owners hire web designers for a reason, requiring an expert to take their online presence to new realms. Being such an important part of any modern business care needs to be taken, and in order to get the best website possible timeframes cannot be too tight.

‘Can you use some of our old designs?’ 

Usually a redesign is decided on for a reason, and that is usually because your online image needs a kick up the bum. Where designers boast the ability to easily delete old images many clients get cold feet when rebranding, wanting to hold on to old styling and not move with the times.

‘Can we make just one small change?’

Although ‘one small change’ sounds like an acceptable request it is in fact far from that, with one small change to the colour scheme, font, size or styling completely reinventing an image.

‘I think I like your first design’

There is a tendency in web design for clients to request options after options, wanting to see a full repertoire of designs before choosing which one they want to run with. However there is also a tendency for clients to then choose the first design you created, which as you can imagine is rather annoying.

‘Work your magic’

Many seem to think that web design is magic, not a talent that designers have trained in or many years.

‘Here are a few designs I came up with’ 

As mentioned previously web designers are experts, this is why it can be rather awkward when people show designers their own designs, not wanting to offend or embarrass anyone.

Basically, if you are hiring a web designer you need to understand that the project is theirs, and it is their mission to create something astounding that fits in with your market and targets your audience. By giving them the time, space and respect they require they will be sure to deliver unparalleled results.

If you are looking for web design services in Cardiff then be sure to contact us today, but remember, do not use any of the above phrases!


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