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What is Amazon A9?

Amazon A9 is the proprietary search engine that powers the product search functionality on Amazon's platform. Its algorithm determines which products appear in search results and how they are ranked. Understanding how Amazon A9 works is crucial for businesses looking to optimise their listings and maximise visibility on one of the world's largest online marketplaces.

External Factors That Influence Rankings

Various external factors influence how the Amazon A9 algorithm ranks products. These factors extend beyond the on-page elements such as keywords and descriptions, delving into broader aspects that affect the overall performance and visibility of listings.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are a significant determinant in Amazon A9 rankings. Positive reviews boost a product’s ranking, while negative reviews can hinder it. The quantity and quality of reviews contribute to the credibility of the product, influencing its position in search results.

Sales Velocity

Sales velocity refers to the frequency and volume of sales over a specific period. Products with higher sales velocity tend to rank better as they demonstrate popularity and customer demand. Strategies to enhance sales velocity include promotional campaigns and competitive pricing.


Competitive pricing is crucial for ranking well on Amazon A9. Products that are priced competitively within their category are more likely to be favoured by the algorithm. Pricing strategies should consider not only the base price but also discounts, offers, and perceived value.

Stock Availability

Maintaining sufficient stock levels is essential for favourable rankings. Products that frequently go out of stock can suffer in rankings due to inconsistent availability. Ensuring a steady supply helps in sustaining and improving search visibility.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate, or the percentage of visitors who make a purchase after viewing a product, is a critical ranking factor. High conversion rates indicate that the product meets customer expectations, which positively influences its ranking.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The click-through rate measures how often people click on a product listing after seeing it in search results. A higher CTR suggests that the product is appealing and relevant, thereby boosting its ranking potential.

Optimising for Amazon A9

To optimise for Amazon A9, it's essential to focus on both on-page and external factors. Balancing high-quality product listings with strategic external factors can significantly enhance visibility and sales performance.

MOBO's Digital Services

MOBO offers a comprehensive suite of digital services that can help businesses optimise their presence on Amazon and other online platforms. From SEO to web development, our solutions are designed to drive growth and success in the digital marketplace.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Our SEO services are tailored to improve your website's visibility on search engines, ensuring that your products and services reach a wider audience. By leveraging advanced techniques and industry best practices, we help you rank higher and attract more organic traffic.

Web Development

Our web development team creates robust, user-friendly websites that enhance your brand's online presence. We specialise in developing responsive, high-performance websites that provide an exceptional user experience and drive conversions.

Software Development

MOBO's software development services offer custom solutions to meet your specific business needs. Our expertise spans various technologies and platforms, ensuring that we deliver innovative and efficient software solutions that support your objectives.

Social Media Management

Our social media management services help you build and maintain a strong presence on popular social media platforms. We create engaging content, manage your accounts, and implement effective strategies to connect with your audience and grow your brand.


Understanding and leveraging the factors that influence Amazon A9 rankings is essential for success on Amazon. By focusing on customer reviews, sales velocity, pricing, stock availability, conversion rate, and click-through rate, businesses can optimise their product listings for better visibility and performance. MOBO's diverse range of digital services provides the expertise and support needed to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and achieve your business goals.

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