MOBO Media

SEO is a subject renowned for splitting opinion, with each and every blogger, online content writer and marketer thinking they have the multi layered, complex topic sussed. 

Over the years we at SEO News have tried to stay with the times, adhering to Google updates and suggestions, only taking advice from the top dog when it comes to optimising our sites.

Boasting a goggle ranking success story we would like to share 4 common SEO mistakes that we are presented with each and every day, schoolboy errors that people are carrying out when trying to improve their sites. We hope they help!

1 – Keyword Stuffing

Online content should be clear and cohesive; you do not want to exhibit information that looks desperate, stuffing articles with keywords in a plea for Google to recognise them.

Keyword ratio is very important in your sites presentation to Google, with rogue copywriters trying to cheat the system by overloading their pages with an unnatural amount of keywords.

Search engines now have penalties in place for those abusing the system with official warnings and pages being banned being a common occurrence.

2 -Too Many Low Quality Links

A few years back Google worked in a very different fashion, dictating the relevance of a site by the number of people linking to it, proving it was a good source of information.

However, of late digital endorsement has become very corrupted with people buying links and putting link exchange agreements in place.

Linking from sites that break the search engine guidelines can have a negative effect on your site. For instance, if the site that links to you is poorly structured, has duplicated content and is riddled with keywords Google will not look at it as a reliable source, therefore your site will not benefit.

3 -Bad Site Structure

Although many do not think that the structure of a site would have a huge bearing on ranking it in fact does, with visitors needing to be presented with a clean site that they can navigate themselves around.

Put it this way, if a site is messy it will encourage people to leave the site a lot quicker than if it was inviting, restricting the level of engagement the site can with the user.

4 – Poor Performance

As a society we rely on speed, wanting a site that is responsive and loads quickly.

With the modern internet-user known for being impatient the amount of time your site takes to load is very important. Obviously the more people that are shown to be engaging with your site the higher Google will rank it.


We hope that these tips have helped and you see a vast improvement on your site.


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